Wednesday, 1 October 2014

New Lip Sync video

This is the new Lip Sync video I have done.


  1. Hi Ant, well done to you:)
    Good eye contact with audience.
    Lip sync is good a little bit of emotion or movement may be beneficial as it is a catchy tune.. but you don't seem to be having fun! So maybe facial expressions could have been enhanced and body posture, maybe a click of the fingers?
    OK now lets get some images on that green screen and make this lip sync more fun.. you can do this by superimposing into background. Everything I taught you about iMovie implement in this. Create a second version and use titles, credits, transitions etc. You can do it.
    I look forward to seeing your updated creation. Well done so far.
    Make sure you get your comments down too to extend your understanding and potential of what you have created. See you tomorrow.

  2. It was very simple but it was in sync which was the most important thing

  3. Hi Anthony, you had some good eye contact and was in time with the words for most of time. However to improve you could add a background in to make it more interesting and maybe add some transitions as well.

  4. Good lip sync, mostly in time. Some parts were slightly out but you could improve this by making better use of the green screen.

  5. This was good as you have inserted opening titles and it has a decent amount of eye contact but to improve you could include more stuff such as credits, changing the background and transitions. Also I think that the lip sync is a couple of frames off.

  6. Hi Anthony I thought your lip sync went very well as your visuals was in time with your lip sync. However in order to improve your grade make sure that you keep eye contact with the camera and probably make use of the green screen by adding an image in the background.

  7. Lip sync was in time which is important and was good opening title. However it would have been better if you made use of the green screen and a bit of movement would have made it better.
