Friday, 5 December 2014

Desktop Publishing Softwares (DTP)

While doing this coursework and creating an album cover and a poster design I will have to use industry standard software such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign and there are benefits to using these two pieces of software. Luckily I have already done this work in my other subject so I have the work already.

Why I will use these softwares: 

Adobe Indesign, this is used by designers for the basic layout of the magazine such as inserting the text and images etc. This software is good due to being able to add in a bleed effect on pages. I will be using this software to create the layout for the CD cover and Poster, I will then be importing the images I need or have edited over into InDesign and then placing them where I want them to be.

Adobe Photoshop, this is used to edit and adjust images to apply various effects to images as well as being able to use multiple layers to have multiple effects on one image. I will be using this software to edit any images and add effects on them etc due to this being the best software to do this with and one I'm more familiar with then Adobe Fireworks.

Below is some more information on why its better to use Photoshop or InDesign over similar softwares like Adobe Fireworks and Microsoft Publisher 

Adobe Photoshop, I will use Photoshop over other software as its better used for image manipulation and editing the different images I will need to include for example it’s better to use Photoshop for including multiple images on a single page as I can have multiple layers and multiple effects on these images which will make it better and easier to use then another software like Fireworks which is used for editing images as well. Photoshop supports CMYK colours (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Key/Black), Photoshop also supports higher resolution files larger then 2GB and this is better than the 50MB file size PNG that Fireworks has. It’s also seen as the industry standard for image editing. 

Adobe InDesign, I will use this software over a similar software like Microsoft Publisher because Publisher is a lot more limited in what it can do when compared to InDesign such as limited templates. I can also edit images in InDesign if I need to however I wouldn’t be able to do this in publisher, InDesign also has a large amount of tools available to use which publisher has a more limited selection of tools available to use so I can have access to more tools in InDesign which means I could produce better quality pages as InDesign also has a better page creation and I can do a multi-page document easier InDesign.

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