Thursday, 15 January 2015

Problems with Individual Music Video

A few problems I had with my music video when creating it was the clips I had weren't as good as the versions used in the video as Ian (the other camera man) had an anti shake setting on his camera when I did not so the footage he got was better as it was not as shaky as mine was so I kept in the versions of the same clip I got, due to the versions used being better. The clips that were used as well were a lot of mine as well so I couldn't change much of the video due to most of the videos being ones I had taken and the clips I hadn't used were little 10 second clips that were not the best quality due to either another member of the group being in the video or it was an outtake video or the quality was not that good because of it being too shaky for example.

I'll show an example of this below, I have other videos but the file size is too big to upload to blogger. I may re look at these videos and try to trim them down a bit.

Another problem was with the video in the middle, a clip I changed still has its audio when it should be muted so the song can still be heard over it the audio for the clip therefore, I will go back into the editing suite and correct this mistake.

Also I was not left with many clips I could use as opposed to the ones used in the video as the better shots I had were used such as the start and ending with Charlie (the main actor) walking down the road at the beech as that was my idea as a way to end the video so those same shots were used and the clips i was left with were only short 10 second clips that were either outtakes as it had another member of the group in the video or were too shaky to use in the second verse section which is in a montage style and some of those clips were similar to mine except better quality due to Ian having the better camera so i kept those clips in instead of making it look like a worse quality clip.


  1. Excellent and personal reflection here Anthony...I want to see more of this please:)

  2. Anthony you have not updated lately, remember communication is very important.

  3. Anthony dont you know the difference between a D and an A? YO CLEARLY DONT. I will get jenny to hunt you down
